Sunday, November 16, 2008

2008-11-17 - Water Festival - Aftermath

Another wander down to the waterfront on Friday and apart from some trampled looking gardens and grotty paving it was all back to normal. It hadn’t rained at all during the festival, so the streets weren’t looking too good, but the Cintri guys and gals were out in force and had already removed a lot of loose rubbish.

I inevitably ended up back at the Central Market, and then got my much-overdue $1 haircut from a roadside guy, before heading back to the guesthouse to do a whole lot of nothing.
Taking the boat back to somewhere

Barge moored along the river

Another barge - this one has a backing board, so you can see what it is during the day too

Where the boat crews were camped - largely all gone already

Monkey on the power line near the post office - probably escaped from Wat Phnom
Also discovered what was leaving a rather large mess on the balcony at the guesthouse each night – there is a small bat that roosts off the balcony light, and seems to consume about 5 times it’s own weight in fruit or something every night, most of which ends up on the floor.

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